Certified Animal Specialist provides a FREE CONSULTING

Hi, I'm June Kim, Certified Animal specialist, CPDT-KA (only one in Korea) and have about 10 licenses regarding to animals and education.
I'm representative of 'PolangPolang' which is a company for healing people and animals.
I would like to be a help for shelter animals and people who are working or living with companion animals.

While working as the animal specialist,
I found many cases that could have been harmonious if you had a support from the beginning,
or if you have adopted an animal after behavior assessment.

So I would like to be a support for your first step, so shelter animals and animals at home could live happier and more balanced.

I could be a help for;
- Shelter animal behavior assessment
- One free consulting for a new family and adopted animal
- Volunteer education for shelters

If you need any help, I would love to be a little of help.
Contact me by phone(070-7678-7870) or email ([email protected])

My company provides services
- Day Training: In-home training
- Pet Sitting(at your own place)
- Pet Walking
- Animal-Children Therapy program
- Shelter animal healing and education for new home
- Educating volunteers etc...

I work for dogs, cats, horses chickens, children, patients, elderly and so on..

Tags: dog trainer, dog walker, pet sitter, pet training, Polangpolang


Karen's picture

Thanks so much for adding this! You're right, with some support about behaviour issues I think a lot more people would choose to keep their cats and dogs in the family instead of giving them up.

Please feel free to add the website link to ARK's link directory as well!

red dog's picture

Thanks, June! There are MANY animals in Korea who can use your help, and this is a great service to the community. If you are able to organize a behaviour lecture in English or set up a volunteer training program I'm sure many people on ARK would be interested.

polangpolang's picture

Great! Thanks for your comment. If you personally know any of shelters near Seoul or Kyunggido, Please feel free to give them my contact number, so that they could get a help^^
I am available to provide lectures or programs in English, so I will fix the schedule soon and post them on ARK.